Wednesday, July 20, 2011

" All Orange Juice Sold In The U.S Should Be Fortified With Calcium "

From my knowledge I believe food should be modified.I say this because people need calcium, vitamin A, and so on in order to be healthy efficient human beings. Individuals who don't get enough calcium suffer long term defects , low bone mass is one of them. Not only people who don't get enough calcium in their diet suffer but also individuals who do not get enough vitamin A in their diet suffer from weak membranes around their organs making them vulnerable to diseases. However you can find nutrition in foods naturally such as in vegetables , bread , MILK .. etc yet again not everyone knows how to find nutrition in foods naturally. This is why food should be modified to make sure that everyone gets the right amount of nutrition's daily.

1 comment:

  1. It is a bit difficult to read your blog due to the color of the font. If you don't mind, please change the color:)

    Also, I believe some of the information you provide in this entry is from other sources besides Please add links!!!
