Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We believe food labels should include additives so that consumers can make an educated, informed decision in regards for what they believe is best for them and/or their family. Consumers should also be aware of the consequences that food additives may have on them. Some studies show that additives may cause hyperactivity in kids and some people might have a certain sensitivity of FD&C Yellow No. 5 in foods. Consumers might also be interested in knowing that large amounts of insects and carcasses of animals who have died of "natural causes" are in the food they consume on a regular. Weather it be anything with a red dye made from insect blood or sugar which is filtered with cow bones. 
The benefits of food labels are informed consumers, people will be more aware of what they consume which is reaching for a healthier America. If people were to know of all the unnatural things that go into their everyday food they are most likely to choose a much  health conscious decision. Although some people might still continue eating the same thing, others will have a choice as to what they consume instead of blindly stuffing their faces with things they don't know. If food companies are more honest with their customers they might see an increase in sales, especially if they have nothing to hide. 
The only risk we see in not labeling additives is the food companies losing money in fear that people will no longer buy their products. Which is understandable but food companies should strive for much healthier and safer ways of making their food. Consumers and big companies should work together to make food safe, affordable, and delicious so that everyone is satisfied without questioning what was killed going into a few jelly beans. 
The Consumer-   Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste and appearance. Some additives have been used for centuries. According to Wikipedia the advent of processed foods in the second half of the 20th century, many more additives have been introduced, of both natural and artificial origin.Organic substances such as salt, sugar, vinegar, alcohol are also applied as conventional preservatives. These are utilised in both raw too as cooked food stuff to increase the shelf value of food so that aroma, taste as well as the meals itself may be stored for a longer period of time.     Additives are used in foods for five main reasons:
                      To maintain product 
                      To Improve of maintain nutritional value
                      To maintain wholesomeness
                      To provide leavening or control acidity/alkalinity
                      Last but not least to enhance flavor or impart desired color
   Adding food additives also have their disadvantages:
                     Some food additives are toxic if a large amount is used, e.g. sodium benzoate and benzonic acid
                     Some food additives may be carcinogenic, e.g. sodium nitrate has been shown to cause cancer to mice and may also cause cancer to human beings
                     Some additives may have side effects such as allergies
Yet not everyone has these side effects , therefore I believe that food additives should be added however the amount of each substance should vary. Salt and Sugar can cause more harm than all the other additives combined .
              As a consumer food additives may be killing me slowly without me noticing.As great as they taste I'm not always aware of whats been added to my food.Also I believe that its not always about the great taste, texture ..etc but more about my health. 

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